Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Back in the saddle

Well, I started writing the novel again. But I had to read through the whole thing first. And the fun thing about that is this: The last thing I had written is now the preface to the book. A section of text that would have been buried in the middle of the book fits quite well at the beginning. It was like the proverbial lightbulb came on. Sometimes I guess you just have to step away from something for awhile...

I also decided to break up my chapters. So, some of them are actually pretty short -- about two pages. Personally, I think it works great. I'm just making chapters wherever there's a natural scene change, or a change in tone. So, if you're following this blog -- and you're probably not -- keep your fingers crossed that I continue. I have renewed faith in this thing and I want to keep that passion alive.

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