Thursday, August 28, 2008

Celebrating a century - TruLife

Celebrating a century - TruLife

I worked for the Index while I was in college at Truman State University. What an awesome experience! I served as a sports writer and sports editor -- the latter during the 1997-98 school year. I remember working 60-plus hours a week for the paper, skipping classes to make sure stories were written, edited and pasted. I made some great friends and we have some great war stories to share those rare times we're together 10 years later. At that time, teachers (especially those who'd actually worked in the journalism industry) were telling us that our clips were more important than our transcripts. And that was truly the case, as my clips landed me my first job -- and the rest is poverty-stricken history. Just kidding. I'm glad the Index is still around, and it seems to get better with age. Me, not so much!