Thursday, October 25, 2007

My novel

I've actually completed a fair amount of work with this project already. No, I haven't written a hundered pages. But I have a pretty nice outline, character biographies, plot points, etc. I've also written a rough first chapter.

I have an interesting organization. The story takes place over a period of two weeks. Each chapter is a day building up to the final day. I have some interesting characters. The protagonist, Thomas Richter (good German name) is a St. Louis newspaper reporter (write what you know, right?). He's facing a huge challenge that will alter his life forever, blah, blah, blah....Actually, it's a pretty good story. But, right now, the majority is only in my mind.

Time to get it on paper, right? So what am I doing taking up time writing here? Maybe it's the exercise of hitting the keyboard with a purpose -- sitting here, at night, when the kids are asleep and I could be vegging out watching a CSI rerun.

And what's up with that? The new season of CSI is less than a month old and they're already playing repeats? I don't watch too many television shows anymore, but I do flip channels like a mad man.

Should get to writing...

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